087 8509414 info@arraygraphics.ie

CASE STUDY – Growing Limerick media campaign

Growing Limerick

I was delighed to be invited to work with Bridge PR in building a campaign around the highly prolific ‘Growing Limerick’ initiative by BDO Limerick. BDO were in the process of moving their main offices to a new location on O’Connell Street and adding 100 personel to their expanding team. Bridge PR were commissioned to tell the story and as part of this we provided the associated logotype, advertising campaign, moving cards, launch collaterol and pre and post-launch interactive pdfs. The campaign was very successful and is ongoing.

The invite to the launch event involved an actual ribbon which had to be undone to reveal the invitation details.

Campaign Collaterol

A joy to work on the campaign yielded a very professional campaign. Our participation involved the creation of the logo and the follow-on graphics including the Invitation to the launch of the initiative, the Ad Designs for the various media, the 5 panel Pop-up Wall and a number of Interactive pdfs as part of an introduction to and follow-up to the launch.

Let's Start Something new
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