087 8509414 info@arraygraphics.ie

CASE STUDY – Game Hunting Ireland

Game Hunting Ireland

From Logo to Website and much more in between we provided GHI with everything they needed to go to international market.

Game Hunting Ireland target a very niche market, an exclusive international market with high expectancies.

GHI Suite

After investigating the market we soon realised the the logo had to be very flexible and applicable to a multitude of applications. It had to be strong, simple, instantly recognisable and language neutral. From China to America/Canada and beyond this identity has travelled! See applications in the gallery.

Let's Start Something new
Say Hello!

We pride ourselves in having a personal service, you won't be greeted by a robot! Please leave us a note and we will call you as soon as we get an opportunity. If you would prefer please call Ray on 087 8509414

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